Friday, August 8, 2008

International Lingerie part2.

International Lingerie pt1.
Representing: America, Paris, Italy, Australia, and Brazil. (Which do you represent)?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hot, cold, solid or melted, Chocolate gives good love. It's sweet, bold, flavorful, brown, white, creamy, hard, and yummy; it just makes you feel good. Likewise Lingerie, her name speaks delicious! It's satin, lace, silk and sheer, fitted or free it just feels damn good around the body. It lets you know you're a woman and that you're alive. It's intimate, personal, opinionated and objective. Most distinctly lingerie is fancy and frilly making subjective statements at every appearance. In its nature qualities) it corresponds with chocolate. Everything about the two is awesome! Chocolate and Lingerie.

Why Chokolate and Lingerie

United States
Chocolate and Lingerie is not just eating and wearing. It's being beautiful inside and out. It's indulging in the wonderful things about life. On this blog you will find things that appeal to the everyday woman. Whether it's events around the world, feeling beautiful, parenting, or the DIY techniques you will enjoy this BlogSpot. Please feel free to post your comments. Enjoy!

Beautiful Lingerie